Pres. Trump to BLOW the Lid Off JFK Assassination.. For REAL This Time!! At Least That’s What He Says in Latest Interview! (6/20/24) — All-In Podcast | WE in 5D: PODCASTS AND INDEPENDENT MEDIA IS EXACTLY [AND ALMOST ONLYYY] WHAT HE SHOULD BE DOING‼
Pres. Trump/Hannity Interview (6/5/24) | WE in 5D: Trump [and The Universe] TELL YOU (Subversively) He Cannot Fulfill All 'Promises' (Listen to Him!) YOU WILL (I AGREE). BUT I DISAGREE w/ His Reason for Backing Off on Locking Hillary Up.
There's Only So Much You Can Learn in One Place. The More That I Wait The More Time That I Waste! Life's Gonna Drop You Down Like The Limbs Off a Tree. It Sways and it Swings UNTIL IT MAKES YOU SEE. —JUMP— | Madonna: Born 8/16/58 (Leo)
Have Rocket, Will Travel (1959 Full Movie) [COLORIZED] | Sci-Fi/Comedy | Summary: While cleaning at a spaceport the boys accidentally take off for Venus. They encounter many creatures including an A.I. computer that makes evil clones of the Stooges.
A Storm Like You've Never Seen Coming in the Next Weeks and Months! Take Your "I Love Trump Glasses" or Your "I Hate Trump Glasses" Off and Be Objective in Order to Handle REALITY Properly. —Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
Ben Shapiro Thinks Retirement Altogether is Stupid, Trump Not too Far Off. This Country is Just Getting Worse and Worse.. BUT That's What it Takes to Build a Whole New Earth! #DeathAndRebirth