REPLACED! Thurs.Sep.26,'24 8p ET- AntiSemitism Tragedy of Lies. Find out how the Roman "big lie" shifting their murder of Jesus Christ by Crucifixion and the Roman Legion Shear if Destiny, falsely onto his own peoples!
REMASTERED! From- Sep.27,'24: "AntiSemitism: a Tragedy of Lies!" Find out how the Roman "big lie" shifted their murder of Jesus Christ by Crucifixion and the Roman Legion Spear of Destiny, falsely onto his own people!
REMASTERED LIVE! Fri.Sep.27,'24 1-PM ET: "AntiSemitism: a Tragedy of Lies!" Find out how the Roman "big lie" shifting their murder of Jesus Christ by Crucifixion and the Roman Legion Spear of Destiny, falsely onto his own people.
V1DCCMEOH 105 CONT1NU'OM' - CONTENT WARNING RAMBLINGS OF CONFUSED CRAP CXXT EXPOSSIN YET AGIAN ABUSSERER SSUNAK;-) and now musskkk gets out hiss b0g brush and starts skrubbin again;-) hehehehe