1. The MAIN evil spirits I still deal with since being born again: Testimony

    The MAIN evil spirits I still deal with since being born again: Testimony

  2. Acts 16:1- 40 Paul and Silas thrown into prison after driving out an evil spirit from a damsel.

    Acts 16:1- 40 Paul and Silas thrown into prison after driving out an evil spirit from a damsel.

  3. Fire will fall from on high, it will spread by means of nuclear energy

    Fire will fall from on high, it will spread by means of nuclear energy

  4. Cast Out The Shadow

    Cast Out The Shadow

  5. Reading the Bible LIVE: the Final Quest Trilogy-Torch & Sword Chapter 4B (Women & Children Movement)

    Reading the Bible LIVE: the Final Quest Trilogy-Torch & Sword Chapter 4B (Women & Children Movement)

  6. THE SONS & SEED OF THE WICKED (AMALEK, ESAU EDOM) DEVISETH MISCHIEF & WORK EVIL UPON THEIR BEDS!!….”Who opposeth & exalteth himself above all that is called God” 🕎Daniel 7:25-27 “he shall speak great words against the most high”

    THE SONS & SEED OF THE WICKED (AMALEK, ESAU EDOM) DEVISETH MISCHIEF & WORK EVIL UPON THEIR BEDS!!….”Who opposeth & exalteth himself above all that is called God” 🕎Daniel 7:25-27 “he shall speak great words against the most high”

  7. Wandering Stars & Satan’s Throne

    Wandering Stars & Satan’s Throne

  8. Refuting Jehovah's Witnesses' Arguments Effectively: Examining Jesus vs. Satan | Sam Shamoun

    Refuting Jehovah's Witnesses' Arguments Effectively: Examining Jesus vs. Satan | Sam Shamoun

  9. Refuting Jehovah's Witnesses' Arguments Effectively: Examining Jesus vs. Satan | Sam Shamoun

    Refuting Jehovah's Witnesses' Arguments Effectively: Examining Jesus vs. Satan | Sam Shamoun
