2/5/25 So much winning, current events, Mexico to put 10,000 PERMANENT soldiers on BORDER, Canada to put Border Fentanyl Czar, Liberal Freak out, Impeachment #3!
10/28/24 Swing State Ballot Bxs on fire, Kim Clement 2024 prophecy is good! Ingersoll Lockwood The Last President parallels today! The WHO’s current Soft coup o USA!
10/23/24 More on Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, The Finders, General Michael Flynn, Zodiac Killer, Menendez trial update, Trump at Turning Point USA, Bill Gates Indicted, mRNA shot, etc
10/9/24 Masked pilot helicopter destroys supplies! Border patrol confirms child trafficking!! 100’s Dbl vote in Mich, 7 charged! Tampa on 15 min city list!
10/15/24 CBS lies @ stranded victims, what Blackrock is doing to USA & abroad, Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anaesthetics By U of Colorado, How to detox!Genocide 2020, how they did it.
10/21/24 Lt.Col. specialized in satanic abuse, brief hist. Of Israel, Migrant kids replace Americans, P’Diddy adrenochrome stock, What’s in your dog food!