20 days agoSouth African leader Julius Malema chants “Kill the Boer”, a murderous chant calling for white genocide, to a stadium full of his ravenous supporters. He isn’t just saying the quiet part out loud, he’s shouting it—and tens of thousands chant witNORTHAMERICANNEWS01
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20 days agoSouth Africa political party chants "Shoot to kill. Kill the Boer (Whites)Neo2020v4vandetta
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11 months agoMalema led several thousand supporters in a chant “Shoot to kill!” Kill the Boer, kill the farmer!”shoopdoggy
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2 months agoJACK LONDON (1943)Michael O'Shea, Susan Hayward & Osa Massen |Adventure| Colorized | Cinema OneLost n Found Films
2 months agoJACK LONDON (1943)Michael O'Shea, Susan Hayward & Osa Massen |Adventure| B&W | Cinema OneLost n Found Films