8 months agoTalking to Muslims 267: Edmonton Islamic Centre can't address Surah 5:47ChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoTalking to Muslims 283: A London Islamic Scholar on the Quran's view of the BibleChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoTalking to Muslims 279: Boardgames, Music, the Hadith and the GospelChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoDebating (Paignton) Jehovah's Witnesses 2,950: This must be Devon's worst JW congregationChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoDebating (Scarborough) Jehovah's Witness 2,953: Another unhelpful JW congregationChristianComedyChannel
8 months agoDebating (Cambridge) Jehovah's Witnesses 2,961: This JW elder "does a runner!"ChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoDebating (Mexborough) Jehovah's Witnesses 2,971: This JW promises to call me laterChristianComedyChannel
8 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 754: The First Church of our Lord Jesus ChristChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoTalking to Muslims 187: Al Quba Masjid in Rochdale, North of England 1 of 2ChristianComedyChannel
2 months agoDebating (Eastleigh) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,065: Will Brother Lett help Jesus to forgive sins?ChristianComedyChannel
2 months agoDebating (UK Bethel) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,080: Why is there a sexual image on your songbook?ChristianComedyChannel
2 months agoDebating (Milton Keynes) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,092: I ask this JW elder about their 1919 dateChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoDebating (Northampton) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,099: Enjoy Life Forever lesson 13 on WarfareChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoDebating Jehovah's Witnesses 3,117: Houghton le Spring in North-East EnglandChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoDebating Jehovah's Witnesses 3,116: Scarborough Congregation in North-East EnglandChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoDebating (Durham) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,120: My best discussion with a JW elderChristianComedyChannel