6 months agoAug 8, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 149:4- King's Die at Lunar Eclipse, OIC approves Iran Strike + More!Liveactioneating
9 months agoMay 6, 2024-Watchman News-James 5:16-Civil war is coming, Quantum Teleportation Demonstrated + More!Liveactioneating
9 months agoMay 6, 2024-Watchman News-James 5:16-Civil war is coming, Quantum Teleportation Demonstrated + More!trevisdampierministries
4 months agoOct 11, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 62:1-N. Korea Soldiers in Ukraine, Massive Wyoming wildfire + More!Liveactioneating
4 months agoOct 19, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 37:4- Seoul confirms N Korea in Ukraine, Gov Deepfakes Need + More!Liveactioneating
11 months agoMar 21, 2024-Watchman News-Jer 17:7-8-Houthi Missile Hits Israel, Attacks against water in US + MoreLiveactioneating
11 months agoMar 21, 2024-Watchman News-Jer 17:7-8-Houthi Missile Hits Israel, Attacks against water in US + Moretrevisdampierministries
9 months agoMay 10, 2024-Watchman News-Matthew 18:15 -Possible Carrington Event and ‘State of Palestine’ + More!trevisdampierministries
9 months agoMay 10, 2024-Watchman News-Matthew 18:15 -Possible Carrington Event and ‘State of Palestine’ + More!Liveactioneating
9 months agoMay 21, 2024-Watchman News-1 Cor 1:10 - ICC Warrant for Netanyahu, Bird Flu Airborne Ability + More!Liveactioneating
8 months agoJune 17, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 68:4-5 -Montana Hoar Frost, Russia trains China for Taiwan + More!Liveactioneating
5 months agoSept 11, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 121:1-2-Gates says WW3 or Pandemic, Russia Navy Games Begin + MoreLiveactioneating
5 months agoSept 15, 2024-Watchman News- 1 John 4:16 - Two Moons for 2 Months, Russia’s response warning + More!Liveactioneating
2 months agoDec 28, 2024-Watchman News- Matthew 11:28 - Bird flu has ‘mutated’, Russia Nuke Test Warning + More!Liveactioneating
1 month agoJan 19, 2025-Watchman News - Matthew 7:12 - The Darkness Arises, Israel’s next move to begin + More!Liveactioneating
7 months agoJuly 22, 2024-Watchman News-Matt 16:15-16- Clinton vs Trump Replay, Russia-Syria in Prophecy + More!Liveactioneating
4 months agoOct 8, 2024-Watchman News-Isaiah 43:11-12-Milton now a CAT 5, Proxies strike Israel on Anniv + More!Liveactioneating
2 months agoDec 31, 2024- Watchman News - Isaiah 43:16-The Purple Storm has arrived, US gives Kiev $15bn + More!Liveactioneating
1 month agoJan 5, 2025-Watchman News-Isaiah 1:16-17-Bird flu + seasonal flu coming, Ukraine uses ATACMS + More!Liveactioneating
3 months agoNov 15, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 119:143 - Russia + Arab Nations Alliance, UFO/UAP Deception + More!Liveactioneating
7 months agoJuly 27, 2024- Watchman News - Heb 12:1 - Arizona Hantavirus Spread, EU steals Russian Money + More!Liveactioneating
6 months agoAug 27,2024-Watchman News - Isaiah 26:3 - CDC Hantavirus Warning, Hezbollah's warns Israel and More!Liveactioneating
5 months agoSept 12, 2024-Watchman News-Phil 4:4 - Bushmeat at Airport, NATO strikes Russia from Finland + More!Liveactioneating
8 months agoJuly 3, 2024-Watchman News - Prov 14:34 - Beryl Patterns Unpredictable, Trump assassination + More!Liveactioneating