8 months agoPROOF the Moon Is Not in "Space": Clouds behind the Underformed Half Plasma Moon in the Day SkyLiberty TV
3 months agoNWO Cabal Has Been Building Up Hatred Toward Israel & Zionists! IT'S ALL BY DESIGN! DON'T BE DUPED!Liberty TV
3 months agoNWO Cabal & NWO/Globe/Gleason Gatekeepers Don't Want You to Know You Live on a Huge Stationary PlaneLiberty TV
11 months agoSmart Lady Breaks Silence to Support the Flat Earth Movement and Criticize the Heliocentric CultLiberty TV
11 months agoABSOLUTE PROOF: The Local, Non-Solid, Plasma Moon Emits Its Own Light, Which Has a Cooling EffectLiberty TV
3 months ago(Part 2) The Illuminati and Their World System, Bloodlines and Mind Control | Fritz SpringmeierLiberty TV
10 months agoDIRE WARNING: The Satanic NWO Cabal Aims to Take Over All Countries Politically and Religiously !!!Liberty TV
9 months ago1964 ARTICLE: The Moon Is a Mirage, Reflection of Earth's Surface, Contends Monroe Man | DivergentLiberty TV
3 months agoWARNING! The NWO Cabal, CIA & NASA Can Bombard People with Subliminal Thoughts/Ideas via ELF WavesLiberty TV
3 months agoMUST READ: How the NWO Cabal, CIA and NASA Mind-Control People, from Lawmakers to Civilians (Ebook)Liberty TV
7 months agoProof of Our Local Moon from Nikon P1000 and Airplanes! Don't Be Duped by Cabal/NASA Agents/Trolls!Liberty TV
3 months agoThe Catholic Church, Jesuits, Neo-Nazis & NASA Are Among the Groups Forming the Backbone of the NWOLiberty TV
8 months agoRoseanne Barr Asks David Weiss Whether Man Has Been to the Moon - Can She Handle the Truth?Liberty TV
3 months agoJeran Campanella Blames Eric Dubay for Introducing the UN/AE/Gleason False Flat-Earth Map in 2014Liberty TV
9 months agoNo Craft Can Land on the Moon's Near/Far Side! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Controlled/Threatened Govts!Liberty TV
2 months agoFlat-Earthers Have Empirical Evidence of the Flat Earth and True FE Map! All Nations Can Declare FE!Liberty TV
4 months agoThe Astrotheological Bible Tells about the Star Wars Preceding the Age of Aquarius | Jordan MaxwellLiberty TV
2 months agoThe Dark Agenda of the United Nations - What You’re Not Being Told About Agenda 2030 | GB NewsLiberty TV
7 months agoNWO CABAL'S DECEPTION EXPOSED: The Truth about the Yamaka (Skullcap) and the Wailing (Western) WallLiberty TV
11 months ago"Craters" on the Moon Are Mirrors of the Depths of Earth! Don't Be Duped by the Moon Landing Cult!Liberty TV
3 months agoThe Moon Resembles the Plane Earth Right beneath It -- Continents in TRUE POSITION and SAME SIZE !!!Liberty TV
10 months agoTHE GREAT ONE CIRCLE - Vital Information That the Satanic NWO Cabal Doesn't Want the World to KnowLiberty TV
3 months agoSlovakia Moves to Ban Depop & Mind-Control COVID-19 Vaxx, Declares Pandemic a 'Fabricated Operation'Liberty TV
2 months agoBEWARE! They Use Fake Flat-Earth Maps to Deflect the Masses from the True FE Map on the Plasma MoonLiberty TV
2 months agoAlex Newman Exposes the Strategy of the NWO Cabal to Establish a Totalitarian One-World GovernmentLiberty TV