The Great Reset Vs. The ReAwakening | "Best Way to Be Prepared to Face Evil Is to Have a Very Deeply Held Belief In Jesus Christ." - General Flynn + "Whether You Believe In Revelation or Not, the Globalists Are Building the Mark of the Beas
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 04.18.24 | "From That Time Jesus Began to Preach, And to Say, Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand." - Matthew 4:17 (King James) + What Is Patent US10703789B2?
Psalm 5:5 -- Jesus Hates You Americans & Helene/Milton Are Just The First In A Series OF Judgments Leading up To Trump Confirming The Daniel 9:27 Covenant & Then Nuclear War Will Be Unleashed Against You, Ezekiel Chapter 24!!! Wyoming Is BURNING!!