SIGHTINGS: U.S. Government Covers Up Military Encounter with UFO, Russian Fighter Pilot Barely Survives UFO Encounter, UFO Hot Spot on Florida, Big Foot Captured on Film, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Brazil Banning X, The New Russian Hoax, The Kamala Harris Scam, and More! | EPIC PAIRING: RFK Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy LIVE on Stage with Tucker Carlson on His Tour
QUADRUPLE FEATURE: WOTW (Full Movies) | 2005 (Remake) + 2008 (Unofficial Part 2 By Those Who Created the 2005 Remake) + 2021 (Yet Another Remake/Rendition) + 1953 (THE ORIGINAL) [Begins @ 4:16:20]