5 months ago[Jason Petrunik]The Launch Pad Podcast with Flat Earth Dave [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews
7 months ago[The Matrix Minds] [Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] The Earth is FLAT w/David Weiss 🌍 [Mar 4, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] The Silent War PODCAST with Flat Earth Dave [Apr 30, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[jeranism] The Baby Truther Show #04 - Conspiracy Music Guru w/DITRH (full show 270p) [Apr 21, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] The King of Main Street - Peter Merrick [May 13, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[The Fluffy Hobo Show] Is the Earth flat? Can he Prove it? Welcome Flat Earth Dave [May 10, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[The Truth Barker Podcast] The Truth about Flat Earth (audio only) [May 10, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months agoThe Unfiltered Podcast w Flat Earth Dave (EXPLICIT LANGUAGE WARNING) (audio/slides) [May 25, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[The “Professional” Slackers Podcast] The Slackers Get Flattened By Flat Earth Dave [May 30, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[The Simon Laurie king Podcast] The Flat Earth Interview with David Weiss [May 28, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] 660AM WICC Norm Pattis w Flat Earth Dave [Jun 3, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months agoDavid Weiss talking all things FLAT EARTH, Corruption and CONSPIRACIES! (clip)DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[Mike Bara] Real News Live: Deep Thought Thursday with Flat Earth Dave! [Jun 16, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] The AntiDisinformation 10 PODCAST with Flat Earth Dave [Jun 30, 2022]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[jeranism] [Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] The FAKE alien invasion on FLAT EARTH [Jun 22, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Flat Earth Watertown New York] Flat Earth Dave! (full screen) [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[DITRH SHORTS] The ISS fake out - The Launch Pad Podcast with Jason Petrunik [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews