Baphomet | What Is Baphomet? "Hollywood Is Not Really There to Entertain You. It's About Us Following the Ritual Work. Baphomet the Transgender, I Knew In the Ritual of Baphomet...You Had to Kiss His ________." - Kat Williams
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Wrote NEXUS. I Go from Podcast to TV Station to Talk About My Book. The Entities I'm Trying to Impress Are the Algorithms Because If I Can Get the Attention of the Algorithms the Humans Will Follow." - 9/5/24Yuval Noa
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Don't Need Millions of Human Agents. You Have the Smartphones Following Us All the Time. It's Now Possible to Annihilate Privacy & to Create Total Surveillance Regimes." "A.I. Is Not a Tool, It's