8 months ago[deprecated] FE Meetup June 8, 2018 Arcadia CA - Rob Skiba, Jeran, Mark Sargent & Patricia Steere ✅markksargent
2 months agoA Literally Ironic Rood Awakening Concerning Flat Earth and the Bible (55.9K views on YouTube!)Flat Earth Clock app
2 months agoTheologians Gone Wild 3: Flat Earth, the Bible and the Mandela EffectFlat Earth Clock app
4 months agoDebunking # 2 of the "Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)Flat Earth Clock app
4 months agoDebunking # 3 of the "Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)Flat Earth Clock app
6 months agoDebunking the "Top 10 Reasons We Know the Earth is a Globe" (Condensed)Flat Earth Clock app
10 months agoFlat Earth Clues interview 139 - Revolutionary Radio with Rob Skiba - Mark Sargent ✅markksargent
4 months agoDebunking # 4 of the "Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is a Globe + A CHALLENGEFlat Earth Clock app
4 months agoDebunking # 5 of the "Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)Flat Earth Clock app
3 months agoOh look - is that the Firmament? Sa-weet! Let's nuke it. (334K views on YouTube!)Flat Earth Clock app
4 months agoDebunking # 1 of the "Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (SHORT VERSION)Flat Earth Clock app
2 months agoTheologians Gone Wild: Did Isaiah Mean Circle or Ball/Sphere/Globe (.. or even a cylinder)?Flat Earth Clock app