John Rich | "Read What the Bible Has Says About It, & If They Are Opposed to It, Then They Are Wrong & They Are Basically Against the Ultimate Truth (The Bible)." + Neuralink, Peter Thiel, Human-A.I. Symbiosis, Musk & Rev 17:13
Revelation | "The Real War Is Not Trump & Biden, the Real War Is Not Left & Right. Ephesians Says, We Wrestle Not w/ Fresh & Blood, But w/ Principalities & Powers of Spiritual Darkness of This Earth." - John Rich (7/16/24)
Business Conference | NY Times Best-Selling Author Mitch Album | Focusing On What Really Matters + "It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep.”- Robert Kiyosaki + Interview w/ Kiyosaki’s Wealth Advisor