Stony Brook Univ: Several One-on-Ones of Students Ready To Get Born Again, I Pray for Them, (Crowd Begins At 1hr13min mark) Later Draw a Large, Calm Crowd, Rebuke a MAGA Trump Student and He Humbles Himself, Preaching On What It Means To Totally Surrender
George Mason Univ: Student Assaults Us With Ketchup, Elijah Draws Huge Crowd of Over 100 Students, Muslims Almost Erupt Into Violence, Sodomites Exalt Perversion, Humble Lesbians Seek Truth Toward The End
Plymouth State University (New Hampshire): Agnostics & Hypocrites Help Me Draw A Crowd of 30 Students, Hypocrite Female Tries To Get Me Arrested, Student Blasts Music But Police Shut Him Down, Sinner Grabs My Pole & Steals My Banner, I Get It Back
UNC Charlotte: Convicted Muslim Yells In My Face, 9 Conversations w/ 9 Different Students, Ministering to Skeptics, Atheists, Fake Christians & Sincere Christians, One Student Prays For Me
Rowan Univ: Humble Student Lost In Sin Seeks Prayer, Skeptic Asks For Proof of the Bible, Angry Islamic Woman, Two Brand New Christian Students Encourage Me
Univ of Massachusetts Amherst: Hard To Draw A Crowd At First, Then A Few Christians Approach Me, Soon Some Curious Sinners Pepper Me W/ Questions, Crowd Grows To 50 Students, Student Raise Hands, Remain Calm, A Wonderful Day Of Passover Preaching!