REMASTERED! Oct.29,'24: Kamala Marx, her Spies, Lies and Spying. Kamala was one of Soros's Child Sex Slavery Club Madams and a High end Call Girl. George Soros's direct employee "for life", which gets her graft for cor
Palo Mayombe, A Direct Line to the Devil, Sacrifice of Animals, Drinking of Blood + A Ceremony Involving 17 Men, John Was the Only One Left Standing at the End
THE BAPHOMET HOMOSEXUAL RITUAL, CHARLES BARKLEY: THE PRINCES OF THE MOST HIGH, EMASCULATION OF BLACK MEN IN HOLLYWOOD...”habitation of devils, & the hold of every foul spirit”🕎Ezekiel 9:4-11 “The iniquity of the house of Israel & Judah”