BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Stand-Down Of Firefighting Forces Ordered Hours Before Historic Inferno By Democrat Party Emergency Managers, Despite Massive Warnings Of Life-Threatening Winds!
☣️ NEW BIO-ATTACK INCOMING ☣️ Dr. David Martin Issues Emergency Warning: The Biomedical Deep State Has Openly Announced Their Intention To Derail The Incoming Trump Administration By Releasing Another Bioweapon!
🚨 GET READY TO REJECT IT AAALL🚨 mRNA Bird Flu Shots Are On The Shelf Ready For Rollout, All The Medical Tyrants Need Is Mass PCR Testing To Prop Up Their Emergency Authorization Of These Gene Therapy Vaccines!
EXCLUSIVE: Candace Owens Issues EMERGENCY WARNING to Trump—He is Being Manipulated By Deep State Infiltrators Whose Approach is "All We Have to Do is Flatter Him".
SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE! Alex Jones Emergency Message to Elon Musk, President Trump, and The World — We Must Go On The Total Offensive Now or The Globalists Could Still Win! (11/24/24)
🚨 ALEX JONES ISSUES EMERGENCY ALERT 🚨 Desperate Illuminati Democrats Publicly Announce Plans To Launch Violent Nationwide Uprisings Against President Trump's New Administration—They're Planning To Use Civil War Conditions As The Cover Fo
🚨 EMERGENCY WEDNESDAY BROADCAST 🚨 Alex Jones Discovered How The Illuminati Are Planning To Stage A Coup Against The Incoming Trump Administration And Plunge America Into Civil War! — FULL SHOW (12/4/24)
🚨 President Trump's Emergency WW3 Warning 🚨 HE FINALLY SAID IT—We're Actually The Bad Guys! 47 Calls For Ukraine & Russia to Declare IMMEDIATE Cease Fire to STOP The Escalation Of Nuclear Armageddon! | #DontPayTaxes #EndTheFedForThem
MUST-WATCH: Experts Warn The Biden Admin Has Intentionally Protected ISIS Terror Networks Inside The US To Create Chaos And Set The Stage For A National Emergency Ahead Of Trump Reentering Office In 18 Days! –– FULL SHOW (1/2/25)