Return to Oz (1985 Full Movie) [Based on L. Frank Baum's "The Marvelous Land of Oz" and "Ozma of Oz" This Movie is an Unofficial Sequel—Actually Truer to Baum's Oz Novels Than the Beloved Musical Movie of 1939] | Fan/Adv
Dark City [Trailer] (1998) | Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City". How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
Sway – Jennifer Connelly (Musical Selection) | WE in 5D: Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City" (1998). How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
CAPTURED BY A.I. — Even a 1959 Three Stooges Movie Tells You of the Dark Breakaway Secret Societies' Global Plans with A.I. | Full Movie Linked in the Description, But REMEMBER, it’s Still a Comedy! | #JustForFun #WhatAreTheIlluminatiTellingUs?