11 months ago"We are billions of people. Let's just stand up and say stop. " - Pascal son of WEF cofounderChristian Collation
11 months agoDr. Hodkinson: "It's Not a Time to Say 'I'm Sorry' – It's a Time to Put These Bastards in Jail"Christian Collation
11 months agoProven misinformation: “You vaccinate not only for yourself, you vaccinate also to protect society.”Christian Collation
11 months agoDragonFire: New Declassified Footage of Directed Energy Weapon in ActionChristian Collation
10 months agoWhat's happening in Texas? Why are ranches and farmlands being destroyed??Christian Collation
10 months ago2004 - Alex Jones tricked Globalist David Gergen into an interview about Bohemian Grove.Christian Collation
11 months agoplant-based 'vaccines' in the food supply, all without the public's awareness?Christian Collation
11 months ago"We have to phase out fossil fuels." - John Kerry's daughter, Vanessa KerryChristian Collation
11 months agoPrince Philip: The growing human population is the biggest challenge to conservation.Christian Collation
11 months agoRabbi Amnon Yitzchak tells the goals of the NWO. (UN Agenda 21 & UN Agenda 2030)Christian Collation
11 months agoChina’s SkyNet Facial Recognition system soon a reality in your neighborhood.Christian Collation
10 months agoBill Gates, intends to completely re-engineer the entire global food supply!Christian Collation