Even CNN Reports: Nikki Haley's New Hampshire Numbers are EMBARRASSING Even with Democrats and Independents Voting for Her, and Would Look Even More So if a New Hampshire had Traditional Primary Rules (Where You Only Vote Within Your Party).
TEENA MARIE ONE OF THE DAUGHTERS OF ZION, VERY SOULFUL & LIVELY : YOUR AN ISRAELITE BASED ON YOUR FATHER NOT YOUR MOTHER. “Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively”🕎Numbers 1:18 “declared their pedigrees”
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Am Here Partly On a Book Tour & I Know That My Number One Customer Is the Algorithm. If I Can Get the Algorithm to Recommend My Book, the Humans Will Follow." - 10/18/2024
RONDE BARBER FORMER NFL PLAYER & HIS CHILDREN : YOUR AN ISRAELITE BASED ON YOUR FATHER NOT YOUR MOTHER…”And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse & a Branch shall grow out of his roots” 🕎Numbers 1:18 “their pedigrees”
TEENA MARIE ONE OF THE DAUGHTERS OF ZION, SOULFUL & LIVELY : YOUR AN ISRAELITE BASED ON YOUR FATHER NOT YOUR MOTHER…“Concerning his Son Yahawashi our Lord, which was made of the seed of David”🕎Numbers 1:18 “declared their pedigrees”
TIKI BARBER FORMER NFL PLAYER & HIS CHILDREN : YOUR AN ISRAELITE BASED ON YOUR FATHER NOT YOUR MOTHER…”.I am the root and the offspring of David, & the bright and morning star.” 🕎Numbers 1:18 “they declared their pedigrees”
YOUR AN ISRAELITE BASED ON YOUR FATHER NOT YOUR MOTHER : THE WHEAT & TARES SCATTERED TO THE 4 WINDS…“Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively” 🕎Numbers 1:18 “by the house of their fathers”