RQSEANNE FIGURES OUT "Q"⁉️ Not Actually Likely, as This is Satire 😂 BUT to Her Credit She's Definitely Decoded a Major Facet of The Great Awakening—You Can Run From Your Own Self NO LONGER! Available Options: #AscensionOrImplosion
Remote Viewing CERN, ET Civilizations on Earth, Quantum Vacuum Energy, and The Great Awakening. | Week in Review on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today" (6/15/24)
Welcome To The Great Reset: The Historic Fires Engulfing LA Were 100% Preventable! Alex Jones Lays Out The Globalist Plan To Destroy Industrial Civilization By Intentional Government/Corporate Mismanagement + How To Stop Them! — FULL SHOW (1/8/25)