Secretary Sean Duffy: "The Biden-era standards are costing billions of dollars in taxes and carbon credits, which drive up the cost of vehicles. We're going to rectify that and make sure we're bringing down the cost of a car."
Money | GOLD HITS $2,800! | What Is the Future of Money? What Are Stablecoins? "The Social Credit System Is An Expansion of Money Or A New Kind of Money, to Monetize Everything." - Yuval Noah Harari
浴佛偈|诚恳念诵 礼赞佛陀功德 自我净化 积累福慧 功德回向众生 Bathing Buddha Gauze | Chant it sincerely to praise the Buddha's merits, purify yourself, accumulate blessings and wisdom, and return merits to all living beings
Tulsa Dog Trainer | Tulsa Dog Trainer and entrepreneur JT Lawson shares how to successfully run a business including: On-going education, merit-based pay + 13 best-practice accounting systems & 11 success stories