Elon Musk | "Wernher von Braun's Book Spoke That the Head of the Mars Colony Would Be The Elon...I Thought, I'd Like That Name for Elon, Because It Means Something to Me." - Errol Musk (Father of Elon Musk) | History of AI
Trump Lays Groundwork to ‘Delete’ the IRS and Abolish Federal Income Tax/British Gov’t Unveil ‘AI Police Officers’ That Can Arrest Citizens for ‘Thought Crimes’/German Leader Says Free Speech Is Restricted to Pro-Globalist Narratives
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "I Own Alaska Floor Care In Fairbanks, Alaska. Now People Call Me to Say I Would Like to Book a Carpet Cleaning With You! We've Just Created a System!"
Money | "Very Few People Understand It (Monetary System) Better Than Me. DOGE Coin Is Better Suited for Transactions (Than Bitcoin). Total Transaction Flow Is Much Higher Potential Than Bitcoin" - Musk + Universal High Income
Money | "My Understanding of the Money System At a Fundamental Level, There Are Very Few People That Understand It Better Than Me. DOGE Coin Is Better Suited for Transactions (Than Bitcoin)." - Elon Musk (12/13/2021)
Seattle mom arrested for murder after fatal beating of teen son over chores/FDA approves opioid-free pain medication with 'no sign of addiction'/Calm Before the Storm: Will John Brennan Be First Criminal Deep Stater Arrested?Plane collides with