You can't make this shit up. Creepy Joe: "We've run a campaign that's basically scandal free. That's hard to do in American politics." Cackling Kamala cackles.
Joe Biden lies about President Trump and says the quiet part out loud for Democrats: "We gotta lock him up. That's what we have to do. You all know how this works."
MUST WATCH. Marjorie T. Greene: "Democrats are accusing us of worshipping Trump as a convicted felon. The media & Democrats are worshiping a convicted felon George Floyd. I worship God and Jesus is my savior."
Chuck Schumer made it clear in 2022: Democrats want citizenship for ALL illegal aliens, "however many," because they are better then Americans, and it's only way for Democrats to stay in power.
Unity. This Democrat who is still not sure what gender he is advices other Democrats: "Cut off contact with family members just because they are voting for Trump. They don't get your loving presence. It's over & they are gone."