10 months agoForget The Eclipse: Globalists Want To Dim The Sun PermanentlyThe American Journal with Harrison Smith Infowars
11 months agoATTACKED! Shot Back! CRAZY Real Story Shot 15 times with 45 ACP How did he live?Tom Grieve
9 months ago"Militia" in 2nd Amendment: Why? Colonial + Early Republic Gun Laws with Dr. Joyce MalcolmTom Grieve
9 months agoDMT, the Objectivity of Numbers, Arguments About Race and IQ, and Jew hatred - Peter BoghossianJoseph Wouk's ChannelVerified
7 months agoCrazy Stories from Gun Stores by Mike Kwiatkowski, Weird Customers, Shifty things, and a Good TimeTom Grieve
8 months agoBIG Supreme Court Gun Case Statistics Past+Future, Heller, McDonald, Bruen, Caetano, ConferencesTom Grieve
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10 months agoDEA "Legalizing" Marijuana GUN OWNER TRAP? Supreme Court, "unlawful user" "addicted" Now What?Tom Grieve
11 months agoAR15+Semi Automatic Crisis: Largest Gun Ban in History Potentially? Supreme Court Garland v CargilTom Grieve