7/9/24 Japanese Unit 731, Slaughterbots-target & Kill. Clinton Kill list! 102 yr old speaks of Flat Earth. Mind Control. Unmasking Feds in plain sight faking White Supremacy!
7/29/24 Active move to obliterate white race! Google Election Interference, Venezuelan Protests, Elon calls out Google! Things that make you say profanities!
The Convergence Of Engineering, nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology And Cognitive Science the Creative Union Of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering And Peoples, Human Augmentation Bioconvergence
Here's them discussing the real agenda behind the jabs. - Ido Bachelet - Moonshot Thinking Google Isreal 2013 "Nano Robots" In Healthcare [ENGLISH SUBTITLES]
"Chemical-Biological has merged with Cyber and AI. It is changing our ability for non-consent, Emergency Management, esablish NEW needs, values & norms" The emerging armamentarium of cognitive warfare. Dr. James Giordano July 3, 2024