1. There comes a time when even more Islamic terrorists are coming out because of false ignorance.

    There comes a time when even more Islamic terrorists are coming out because of false ignorance.

  2. President Trump "The first term everyone was fighting me".

    President Trump "The first term everyone was fighting me".

  3. The History Of Satan Worship At The Grammys

    The History Of Satan Worship At The Grammys

  4. Putin "Deutschland ist kein souveräner Staat, aber sie werden es wieder".

    Putin "Deutschland ist kein souveräner Staat, aber sie werden es wieder".

  5. Die Wahrheit über die Corona mRNA-Impfung und der Vertrag mit der Bundesregierung

    Die Wahrheit über die Corona mRNA-Impfung und der Vertrag mit der Bundesregierung

  6. Die BRD und die Versicherungsabkommen mit Migranten

    Die BRD und die Versicherungsabkommen mit Migranten

  7. Tucker Carlson Reveals That The Director Of The CIA Threatened Him

    Tucker Carlson Reveals That The Director Of The CIA Threatened Him

  8. Ullrich Siegmund AfD "Die CDU will erneut den Corona Notstand ausrufen" Wie bei US Wahl zuvor

    Ullrich Siegmund AfD "Die CDU will erneut den Corona Notstand ausrufen" Wie bei US Wahl zuvor

  9. Global Chaos and Kamala wouldn´t change a thing !

    Global Chaos and Kamala wouldn´t change a thing !

  10. Rockefeller 1991 - With the Media in our hands we will create a New World Order

    Rockefeller 1991 - With the Media in our hands we will create a New World Order

  11. Full Speech President Trump in Green Bay, WI 30.10.24

    Full Speech President Trump in Green Bay, WI 30.10.24

  12. Was hat sie da gesagt?! "Long-Covid durch 3mal boostern"

    Was hat sie da gesagt?! "Long-Covid durch 3mal boostern"

  13. They’re all connected to The Rothschilds & Bank Of England

    They’re all connected to The Rothschilds & Bank Of England

  14. President Xi Orders Chinese Military To Prepare For Imminent World War

    President Xi Orders Chinese Military To Prepare For Imminent World War

  15. Col. Douglas MacGregor "Israel is DESTROYING itself and millions will die" (GER Subs)

    Col. Douglas MacGregor "Israel is DESTROYING itself and millions will die" (GER Subs)

  16. General Flynn believes Diddy's case will affect musicians, athletes, politicians AND the media !

    General Flynn believes Diddy's case will affect musicians, athletes, politicians AND the media !

  17. In der Türkei geschieht ein unfassbares Unrecht und Massaker an den Tieren! Warum?

    In der Türkei geschieht ein unfassbares Unrecht und Massaker an den Tieren! Warum?

  18. President Trump "They are Stone Cold Monsters"

    President Trump "They are Stone Cold Monsters"

  19. Migrants in Brunswick US have a good life

    Migrants in Brunswick US have a good life

  20. FEMA lies about the facts - They spent taxpayers money for illegal migrants

    FEMA lies about the facts - They spent taxpayers money for illegal migrants

  21. Full Speech President Trump in Miami, FL 071024

    Full Speech President Trump in Miami, FL 071024
