Business Coach | We Become the Average of the 5 People We Spend the Most Time With + Behavioral Scientist & Award-Winning Author Jon Levy Teaches Why We Are Deeply Impacted By the People We Surround Ourselves With
Business Coach | Dr. Zoellner Teaches How to Work On & In Your Business + Why Dr. Z Worked 7 Days Per Week While Building A Massively Successful Optometry Clinic + Delegation 101 + Why Lions Can't Survive On Chipmunks
Teacher Union Chief Randi Weingarten in Total Panic Over Trump Plan to Shut Down Education Dept/Nasty Bishop Who Chastised Trump’s Immigration Policies Revealed to Have Pocketed $53 Million in Taxpayer Money/Church apologizes for underestimating risk of
Red Alert: The Global Persecution of Christians Exposed - Ilan Srulovicz; Teacher's Journey from Unjust Termination to Court Victory - Jessica Tapia & Julianne Fleischer | FOC Show
Time Blocking 101 | Why You Have to Say No to Grow + Dr. Robert Zoellner Teaches 5 Super Moves That You Can Use to Get 10X More Done Every Day + Join Eric Trump & Robert Kiyosaki At Clay Clark's March 6-7 Workshop!