6 months agoBorderlands 3 - Tediore Zane (Pt. 3) \\ Liberating Lectra City & The First VaultMSFT__kiLRoy
7 months agoBorderlands 3 - Jakobs Amara (Pt. 9) \\ Starting the Handsome Jackpot & Level GrindingMSFT__kiLRoy
5 months agoBorderlands 3 - Tediore Zane (Pt. 10) \\ Psycho's & Tediore Have A Lot In Common?MSFT__kiLRoy
11 months agoBorderlands 3 - COV Moze (Pt. 4) \\ Converting the Rogues and Challenging Troy!MSFT__kiLRoy
3 months agoBorderlands 3 - M3RC3N4RY D4Y FL4K (Pt. 2) \\ M3RC3N4RY D4Y FUN F0R PR0M3TH1USMSFT__kiLRoy
3 months agoBorderlands 3 - M3RC3N4RY D4Y FL4K (Pt. 3) \\ 1TS 4 M3RC3N4RY D4Y M1R4CL3, F1N4LLY LV 18!MSFT__kiLRoy
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