8 months agoPokemon Meissa Moon - 3DS ROM Hack, Pokemon all have all been rebalanced, Enemies massively buffedDucumon
7 months agoPokemon Bismuth - GBA ROM Hack with Pokémon up to Gen 8, QoL changes, improved story, new mechanicsDucumon
7 months agoPokemon Stadium Yellow - GBC ROM Hack aims to replicate the experience of Pokemon StadiumDucumon
7 months agoPokemon Fire Red Bill's Secret Garden - GBA ROM Hack, Pokemon from GS Beta in Bill's Secret GardenDucumon
9 months agoPokemon Emerald X2 - Simple doubles GBA Hack ROM with some small and large map changesDucumon
6 months agoPokemon Rojo Fuego Leyendas - GBA ROM hack has Crystal Onix, Mew Event, Starter catchableDucumon
9 months agoPokemon Big Blue - GBA ROM HACK - Full Open World Game in Kanto with 42 Starters, megas, G-MaxDucumon
4 months agoPokemon Recollection Quest - GBA ROM Hack, you have to re-collect your team LOL??? Short Game but FuDucumon
7 months agoPokemon Legends Celebi - GBC ROM Hack has Hisui Starter, a time-traveling adventure through JohtoDucumon
6 months agoPokemon Black Pearl Emerald - GBA ROM Hack has 9 starters, mega evolutions, nozlocke, pocket pcDucumon
5 months agoPokemon Interweb - GBA ROM Hack has over 70 new Fakemons, new characters, new mapsDucumon
4 months agoPokemon Mystery Dungeon Shallow Shindig - NDS ROM Hack has 3 Teams from Pokemon Anime SpecialDucumon
3 months agoPokemon Crystal 16-bit - GBC ROM Hack has +700 Pokemon, +600 Moves, Starters Randomly, Fairy TypeDucumon
11 months agoPokemon Obsidian Emerald - GBA ROM Hack, Modernized all-doubles challenge hack of Pokemon EmeraldDucumon
8 months agoPokemon Stealth Pirates Troubled Waters - GBA ROM Hack It's part 2 in the Stealth Pirates SagaDucumon
8 months agoPokemon Peak Kanto - GBA ROM Hack has original story, with quite a few additional characters, G8 MeDucumon
9 months agoPokemon DNA - Old GBA ROM Hack, You play as Red, a new story, a new region, pokemon up to gen 4Ducumon
8 months agoPokemon Mystery Dungeon The Weather Up There - NDS ROM Hack, play as Tropius, humans-turned-PokémonDucumon
11 months agoPokemon Team Rocket Edition - English GBA ROM Hack You play as Team Rocket, 4 Regions + DLC in-gameDucumon
3 months agoPokemon Crooked Crystal - GBC ROM Hack - a beefier Team Rocket/Radio Tower storyline, lore KantoDucumon