8 months agoLIGHT Message for all STARSEEDS: You are Moving through and Heightened Planetary Shift! 🕉 Ascensionwhitegoldeagle
4 months agoIT HAS BEGUN! 🕉 X2.39 Solar Flare* 🕉 The Galactic Federation 🕉 The Transformation of your Reality!!whitegoldeagle
4 months agoThe Celestial Event: The Supreme Metamorphosis of Humanity 🕉 PLEIADIAN TEACHING GALACTIC FEDERATIONwhitegoldeagle
2 months agoPORTALS OF LIGHT ARE OPENING BEFORE THE END OF THIS YEAR! 🕉 Preparation for Ascension New Earth 🕉whitegoldeagle
8 months agoImportant Message to all Starseeds of New Earth: Breaking Free of the Matrix of Illusion!! 🕉whitegoldeagle
9 months agoWe Have Made it to the Final Wave of the Awakening! 🕉 Expansion in Consciousness 🕉 Ascension Journeywhitegoldeagle
9 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 5/30/2024 🕉 Galactic Earth Angelics of the Universal Awakened One 🕉 #love 🕉whitegoldeagle
4 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 10/19/2024 🕉 Prime Meridians of Gaia’s Luminous Angels on Earth #gaia #earthwhitegoldeagle
4 months agoTwin Flames have arrived! 🕉 The Kundalini is Undergoing a Great Transformation 🕉 Karmic Liberation!whitegoldeagle
4 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 10/15/2024 🕉 Great Awakened Chosen Ones of the Great Spirit Rising #spiritwhitegoldeagle
4 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 10/15/2024 🕉 Great Awakened Chosen Ones of the Great Spirit Rising #spiritwhitegoldeagle
4 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 11/6/2024 🕉 Rainbow Dragon Nation of Celestial Mountain 🕉 #dragon #celestialwhitegoldeagle
4 months ago11:11 LIGHTCODES APPROACHING 🕉 UNLOCKING HIGHER TIMELINES 🕉 The Energy of Awakeningwhitegoldeagle
2 months ago2025 will be a Transformational Year! 🕉 Transcend Polarity 🕉 Harmonic Healers 🕉 Higher Truths 🕉whitegoldeagle
6 months agoThe Traumatizing Journey of Awakening: A Deep Dive into Spiritual EnlightenmentFragmentsOfTruth
4 months agoEarth Alliance 🕉 OPERATION FREEDOM Pleiadian LIGHT Forces use advanced 5D ANDARA ENERGY TECHNOLOGY!whitegoldeagle
4 months agoSaint Germain: Use the Sun’s Energy from Your Own I AM PresenceThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
4 months agoSanat Kumara and Lady Venus Celebrate the Victories of the IHCCThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified