What was Left-Leaning Decades Ago is Today Shoved to the Right Simply Because One is Authentic, Not Hallow, and Non-Establishment—Expanding an Umbrella of a New Center/Right. So Be it! | WE in 5D: His Thoughts on Cops/Military #SpotOn 👌🏽
Getting Pickier with Your Friendships More Than Ever.. THE TIME IS NOW—The Age of Aquarius! PROMISE: Toxic Positivity Will Get You Nowhere, and You Must Determine Which Thoughts are Positive and Which are Toxic-Positivity. | Jean Nolan, INSPIRED.
EXPLAINED: "God Only Helps Those Who Helps Themselves" (Law of Attraction). You MUST Understand the Video Game Concept Younger Lightworkers Understand! Thoughts/Feeling are One Step. ACTION is Required.. Albeit Inspired Action. | WEin5D, Archaix