11 months agoAug 2 2019 R Jim banks 'If antifa look, dress & act like terrorists, they should be treated as such'Documenting Antifa Violence
11 months agoAug 17 2019 Portland 1.9 antifa members taunt black police calling them a race traitorDocumenting Antifa Violence
11 months agoAug 17 2019 Portland 1.4.2 antifa brought concrete in a case and use it to throw at bussesDocumenting Antifa Violence
11 months agoAug 17 2019 Portland 1.4 0 antifa follows conservatives back to their bus start attackingDocumenting Antifa Violence
11 months agoAug 17 2019 Portland 1.3.2 An antifa mob chase & attack a man & girl who got separatedDocumenting Antifa Violence
11 months agoAUG 17 2019 Portland 1.0 Antifa mob follows & surrounds small separated group of conservativesDocumenting Antifa Violence
10 months agoAug 31 2019 Boston 1.3 antifa to Elijah 'fucking hate you' throw liquid on him and follow him aroundDocumenting Antifa Violence
9 months agoDec 13 2019 London 1.0 antifa rioting after conservative Tories winDocumenting Antifa Violence
9 months agoDec 13 2019 London 1.2 antifa push past police and rioting after conservative Tories winDocumenting Antifa Violence
8 months agoJan 5 2020 Seattle 1.5 antifa start hitting, kicking police car and police move in to stop them 1Documenting Antifa Violence
8 months agoJan 5 Seattle 2020 1.4 another arrest antifa chant 'cops and clan hand in hand'Documenting Antifa Violence
11 months agoJuly 17 2019 President Trump Talks About Antifa & Andy Ngo at NC RallyDocumenting Antifa Violence
10 months agoAug 24 2019 London 1.3 police pushing antifa out of street and away from other sideDocumenting Antifa Violence
10 months agoAug 24 2019 London 1.2 police keep the two sides separate antifa shouts 'nazi scum' over and overDocumenting Antifa Violence
10 months agoAug 24 2019 London 1.0 antifa marches against Tommy Robinson supportersDocumenting Antifa Violence
8 months agoJan 5 2020 Seattle 1.2 antifa throws rock and is arrested by policeDocumenting Antifa Violence
11 months agoAug 17 2019 Portland 1.4.1 antifa follows conservatives back to their bus start attacking.Documenting Antifa Violence
8 months agoJan 5 2020 Seattle 1.1 antifa shows up to a conservative eventDocumenting Antifa Violence
8 months agoJan 5 Seattle 2020 1.0 antifa shows up to a conservative event bring gunsDocumenting Antifa Violence