The World is Waking Up to The Globalists' Use of Weather Weapons to Destabilize Civilization—Geoengineering Expert, Dane Wigington Breaks Down The Latest Developments!
Donald Trump Verdict; "Pride Month"; Peter Strzok and Lisa Page - Breanna Morello; Here are 3+ [ N A T U R A L ] Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
Trump's Gag Order, Biden's Health Decline, Pro-Hamas Protests, J6 Ken Harrelson Released! - Breanna Morello; Here are 3+ [ N A T U R A L ] Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
DeSantis NUKES Kamala After She Politicizes Hurricanes Against Him—She is IRRELEVANT in This Process [and in Any Process Over All, Except for (by Default) Waking Up Souls Still Functioning Under the Soulless Frequency of #TheBackfillPeople!]
Shocking Truths and Statistics: Will Gen Z Turn Back to God and Save America? - Isabel Brown; Here are 3+ [ N A T U R A L ] Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show