5 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | the vile hate some ppl have will kill them |Based Stoner
3 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | A whole lotta reeee, lets send em to the camps!!! |Based Stoner
2 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | it's friday, we donna get you high craig!!! |Based Stoner
2 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | School shooters are always leftists, change my mind |Based Stoner
10 days agoThe toke n choke| ding dong the bitch is fired an no not talking about joyless reid |Based Stoner
3 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner |All the epstien creeps are fleeing, is this a sign of guilt? |Based Stoner
2 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | Terrorism on the rise? Vigilantism soon to follow? |Based Stoner