Benjamin Franklin Story | Why You Can't Steer a Parked Bus + It's OK to Change Your Logo, Branding 101 + Did Bolton or Franklin Invent the Skullet? Tim Tebow Joins June 27-28 Business Workshop (9 Tix Remain)
Self-Driving Cars | "Self-Driven Car Will Come to Wherever You Are & Will Bring You to the Airport. Private Car Driven Free. Will Allow Us to Transform Highways Into Parks." - Klaus Schwab "Turn Parking Lots Into Parks." - Musk
Jonathan Cahn | The Dragon’s Prophecy | Are We Living In the End Days? Israel, the Dark Resurrection And the End of Days + What Is the Biblical Justification for Being Pro-Life & Pro Traditional Marriage
Taylor Swift | Tracking Taylor Swift's Transition from Light to Dark (2013 BRIT Awards & Beyond) + What Is the Real Purpose of Mainstream Music, Mainstream Movies & Hollywood? What Is the Origin of the Word Hollywood?