11 months agoSkip Your Next Heart Attack: Day 3 Cardiac Cuisine | Dr. Gina PritchardSkip Your Next Heart Attack
11 months agoFenuseeds! Revolutionary New Food Product: Protein, Fiber, Grain Free, Gut Health, Clinical Studies!drtimharrigan
11 months agoNitric Oxide Trial Underway, breathing, viral?, oxygen improvements… N.O. to the rescue?!drtimharrigan
2 months agoFitness Motivation: A Glimpse into the Life of a Dedicated Fitness EnthusiastPositive Way
5 months agoSleeping better, refreshed in the mornings, better energy, waking up less at night!drtimharrigan
5 months agoEasily handling full time work and school at the same time, better sleep, better mental clarity!drtimharrigan
4 months agoReleasing our own testosterone example, and how the mechanisms work with Testosurge/Epic-T!drtimharrigan
6 months agoRichard gets more done with Epic-T, more stamina/energy and other improvements…drtimharrigan
5 months agoBrain health, Estrogen less important than T, Epidemic, Environmental Hormone Damage, Active Tdrtimharrigan
9 months agoCereal Killers: Dangerous Ingredients, Unethical Marketing, & Scary OriginsShawnStevensonVerified
6 months agoBruce explaining his Epic-T Experience so Far! More energy, waking up easier!drtimharrigan