Globalist FEMA "bankrupt" | Hurricane help not coming - The Globalist Crime Syndicate GREAT RESET Ushering In Their CORPORATE New World Order DICTATORSHIP
GOLD | "In 2022, the U.S. Dollar Accounted for 58% of All Foreign Reserves Down from 78% In 2002? What' Taken It's Place? BRICS Have Made Tremendous Progress On A New World Order Through Dedollarization."
This recording was broadcast beginning 2022: Humans have made NO progress today -- Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò speaks about the Great Reset and Agenda 2030, warning of Globalism
Fourth Industrial Revolution | 1/17/2017 Trump Sworn In As 45th President of U.S., & Schwab Said to Kissinger, "We Can Create a New World Order." + "Our Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution In San Francisco." - Klaus Schwab
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 01.25.24 | Moses & Aaron, Disease X, De-Dollarization, Witch Doctors At the World Economic Forum, Surveillance Under the Skin & More!!!!