Bo Polny + Dr. Stella | Countdown to War? Mark 13, Matthew 24 & Luke 21 Fulfilled? Petrodollar Ends? House Automatic Military Draft Bill for Ages 18 to 26 + Wars, Famines, Pestilences, Earthquakes? + Rev 13:14 + Daniel 2:43
Yuval Noah Harari | "For 4 Billion Years, It's the Same Basic Organic Stuff. And Then You Have Elon Musk, or Sam Altman or Whomever It's Going to Be And the Start of a New Evolutionary Process of Inorganic Lifeforms." - 9/27/24
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Don't Want Everybody Get Some Type of Certification to Talk to Their Friends on WhatsApp, But If You Have 100,000 Followers Online We Need to Know That You Are Actually A Human Being." - 9/5/24
Tucker Carlson | Tucker Carlson's Full RNC Speech | "Everything Was Different After That Moment. When He Stood Up After Being Shot In the Face & Put His Hand Up. That Was a Transformation. It Was Divine Intervention" - 7/18/24
Eric Trump | Eric Trump's Full RNC Speech | "You are the greatest fighter I have ever seen, The whole world saw your strength as you stood up, you wiped the blood off your face & you put your fist in the air." - 7/18/24
Elon Musk | "(Neuralink) Is Basically Like Having An Apple Watch Or A Fitbit That Replaces a Piece of the Skull. The Constraint On Human Machine Symbiosis Is Band-Width...Playing Video Games Just By Thinking." - 10/28/24
Elon Musk | "Perhaps Still a Role for Humans, We May Give A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Meaning? We Are What Gives the A.I. Meaning or Purpose. If the Computer Can Do Everything Better, Does Your Life Have Meaning?" 5/23/24
Peter Navarro | Peter Delivers Final Statements Before Reporting to Prison (3/19/24) + "If a President Does Not Have the Ability to Get Confidential Information In the Sanctity of the Oval Offices He Will Make Poor Decisions."
mPOX | W.H.O. Declares Mpox Global Health Emergency, Gold Hits $2,507 Per Ounce, 159 Countries to Adopt BRICS Payment System + "If We Got AGI, That Would Be Interesting for Mr. God, Competition for Being God." - 8/16/24
Eric Trump Interview | What is HR 8081? Denying Infinite Security & Government Resources Allocated Toward Convicted & Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act? Eric Trump & Clay Clark On 7/11/24 Trump Sentencing
LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)
LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)
Pastor Steve Cioccolanti | Are We Living Through Revelation Chapter 6? White Horse, Red Horse, Black Horse, Pale Horse, Opening of the Six Seals + Is Harari Fulfulling Luke 17? Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24, Daniel 8, Ezekiel 38?
LIVE: Pres. Trump Speaks at National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago 7/31/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)
Ice Fishing | Is Ice Fishing Or Buying Gold More Scary for Most People? "My Latest Forecast Is That Gold May Exceed $27,000 Per Ounce. If You Just Do the Math.” - Jim Rickards (5/27/24) + Will the Dollar Survive?
Amber Rose | "And It (Satanism) Looks Fun! When I Was Watching Hail Satan I Was Thinking This Looks Fun As Hell! Jesus Scares Me Knowing All the Things He's Done In the Bible. Satanism, This Is Amazing! This Is Great." - 2/6/24
LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24| Join Eric & Lara Trump, General Flynn, Alina Habba, Kash At June 7-8 Detroit ReAwaken Tour ( 71 Tix Remain) | Text for Tix 918-851-0102
Hegelian Dialectic | Problem. Reaction. Solution. "Thesis, Antithesis & the End Result Is the Synthesis Through the Middle That They Sought All Along. Left Argument, Right Argument..Wings of the Same Bird." - Francis Hunt (8/7/24)
GOLD | "Bad News!!! SWIFT Payment System Announced They Are Setting Up a CBDC Platform Coming Out In 12-24 Months." - George Gammon (3/27/24) + "FED Says the US Should Return to the Gold Standard"