1. Col. Douglas MacGregor "Israel is DESTROYING itself and millions will die" (GER Subs)

    Col. Douglas MacGregor "Israel is DESTROYING itself and millions will die" (GER Subs)

  2. General Flynn believes Diddy's case will affect musicians, athletes, politicians AND the media !

    General Flynn believes Diddy's case will affect musicians, athletes, politicians AND the media !

  3. In der Türkei geschieht ein unfassbares Unrecht und Massaker an den Tieren! Warum?

    In der Türkei geschieht ein unfassbares Unrecht und Massaker an den Tieren! Warum?

  4. President Trump "They are Stone Cold Monsters"

    President Trump "They are Stone Cold Monsters"

  5. Migrants in Brunswick US have a good life

    Migrants in Brunswick US have a good life

  6. FEMA lies about the facts - They spent taxpayers money for illegal migrants

    FEMA lies about the facts - They spent taxpayers money for illegal migrants

  7. Full Speech President Trump in Miami, FL 071024

    Full Speech President Trump in Miami, FL 071024

  8. This would be a Disaster Phoenix Hurricane Category 5 excercise from 2009

    This would be a Disaster Phoenix Hurricane Category 5 excercise from 2009

  9. Full Speech President Trump in Scranton, PA 091024

    Full Speech President Trump in Scranton, PA 091024

  10. President Trump speaks to the people from Florida after the Hurricane Milton [German Subtitles]

    President Trump speaks to the people from Florida after the Hurricane Milton [German Subtitles]

  11. Extreme Weather manipulation "It´s real and not even a secret"

    Extreme Weather manipulation "It´s real and not even a secret"

  12. Wallmart sells a book called The Achievements of Kamala Harris "Take a look"

    Wallmart sells a book called The Achievements of Kamala Harris "Take a look"

  13. Die Trump "Capitol-Sturm-Lüge" der Deutschen und Amerikanischen Fake News Medien

    Die Trump "Capitol-Sturm-Lüge" der Deutschen und Amerikanischen Fake News Medien

  14. Doctor Confesses The Real Truth About Medication

    Doctor Confesses The Real Truth About Medication

  15. President Trump said one year ago, almost to the day, that Mayor Adams would be indicted

    President Trump said one year ago, almost to the day, that Mayor Adams would be indicted

  16. This is the 3rd time we have a mini Moon and no one is talking about it

    This is the 3rd time we have a mini Moon and no one is talking about it

  17. That´s so nasty ! An elderly women votes for Kamala. But why?! Watch the video

    That´s so nasty ! An elderly women votes for Kamala. But why?! Watch the video

  18. Weather Control Advocated in Walt Disney Educational Film in 1959

    Weather Control Advocated in Walt Disney Educational Film in 1959

  19. DOD Authorizes Lethal Force Against Americans if Trump wins

    DOD Authorizes Lethal Force Against Americans if Trump wins

  20. Mainstream Media are afraid of Trump and lie

    Mainstream Media are afraid of Trump and lie

  21. Full Speech President Trump in Pittsburgh, PA 04.11.24

    Full Speech President Trump in Pittsburgh, PA 04.11.24

  22. Thousands of abandoned secret bunkers are scattered worldwide

    Thousands of abandoned secret bunkers are scattered worldwide
