8 months agoDO NOT TALK with Congressman STEVE STOCKMAN (Former Texas Congressman Pardoned by Trump)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
8 months agoDO NOT TALK with DR. JOSEPH LADAPO (Florida Surgeon General)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
8 months agoDO NOT TALK with TAKE OUR BORDER BACK (TakeOurBorderBack.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
8 months agoDO NOT TALK with SIYAMAK KHORRAMI (So. Cal. Editor of The Epoch Times)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
8 months agoDO NOT TALK with JEFF HILLIARD (OperationWorship.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
8 months agoDO NOT TALK with THOMAS COLE (ThomasColeForCongress.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
8 months agoDO NOT TALK with "PATRIOT BARBIE" LINDSEY GRAHAM (PatriotBarbie.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
7 months agoDO NOT TALK with former U.S. Army sniper DANNY CARTWRIGHT (Loomis CA City Councilman)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
7 months agoUpdated: DO NOT TALK with the CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN PARTY (CRPAssociateDelegates.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
7 months agoDO NOT TALK with former Wisconsin Senator FRANK LASEE (TruthInEnergyAndClimate.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK with EVERETT TRIPLETT (Biblically.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK with KATRINA GARCIA (www.ChildrensBusinessFair.org/suisun-city-ca)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK with JOHN & BEVERLY WURTS (JohnWurtsFinancial.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK with JAMES JENKINS (ThePointe.net)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK with JOSH FULFER (TheOreoExpress.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK with EVA WILEY (WeThePeopleCA.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK with SIMONA MANGIANTE (Hunter's Laptop: Requiem for Ukraine)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK with JIM JOHNSON (FishNetCareAndShare.org)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK live with the V.P. CANDIDATE DEBATE (10-1-24)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK with MATTHEW KENNEDY(PeaceOfHeaven.life)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified