MAGA Civil War?? The Right Catches Up with The Left, Battling itself Over H-1B Visas, PROVING: Picking a Side to Vote with isn't Quite That Simple! | Luke Rudkowski & Company (
2015 Rebel Heart Tour (Feat. Mike Tyson) – Madonna | The Absolute Last Before Everything Became Generic. The Now "Generic Material Girl" Was Born. And Depending on YOU She May OR May Not Be Caught Here. | #BlurredLines #Entertaining #Stale
OCTOBER SURPRISE?! Election INTERFERENCE as Ballot Drop Boxes Are SET ON FIRE in Swing States. + The Importance of Being Able to Laugh at Ourselves (AND EVEN EACH OTHER!!) | Russell Brand
EMERGENCY INTEL REPORT: Illuminati STILL Plotting to Install Harris as President, The Pentagon is Caught in Secret Meetings, and Trump’s Life in Grave Danger!