Desert Greening | Why Are the Deserts In the Middle East Turning Green? How the United Arab Emirates Is Turning Its Desert Green? Weather Modification 101 + Isaiah 41: 18-19
‘All-out War’ Looms as Hezbollah Rocket Kills 12 Israeli Druze Arabs, Including Kids/Officials: Ex-Convict Started Ongoing 307K-Acre Fire in California/Olympic Games Athlete Who Raped 12-Year-Old Girl Declared ‘Not a Risk’ By Officials/War on Wome
Tom Hanks Facing Prison on ‘Sickening’ Pedophilia and Murder Charges/Trump & RFK Jr. Launch ‘Vaccine Injury Task-force’ To Investigate Rising Autism Rates in Kids/Rand Paul Blasts TSA for Putting Trump Supporters on Terror Watch List/Arab-Look