3 months ago💥💉 Vaccine Clown Dr. Peter Hotez Warns of a Series of Potential Pandemics Coming Down the Pike For President Trump “on January 21stReal Truth Real NewsVerified
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6 months ago💥 HUGE! 💉 Vaccines Cause Anaphylaxis and Allergies to Much of the Food We Eat! Pregnant Mothers and Children are Targets!Real Truth Real NewsVerified
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2 months ago🩺 HEALTH WATCH 🍎 Apple Pectin Has Been Proven to Stop Cancer Spread, Detox Heavy Metals, Toxins and Radioactive ParticlesReal Truth Real NewsVerified
10 months agoVaccine Genocide - Dr Delores Cahill - All C19 Vaxxed ‘Will Die Within 3 to 5 Years' (Short Version)Biological Medicine