Pray for the Salvation of those Bound in the Deepest Darkness, including Those Who Were Born into the Luciferian Brotherhood. Nobody Wants to Go to Hell. We Shouldn't Wish That on Anyone
Vril Society, Nazis, Operation Paperclip, Advanced Technology, Hidden Underground by Luciferian Brotherhood + What is the Cost of the Information They Receive?
The 4 P's: Phoenix, Priest, Prophet, Pindar. Obama is Now the Phoenix Having Taken George Soros' Position, Prophet, Muslim Brotherhood, Priest, Israel, Pindar, Level 100 Mason, Finances
Royals, High Priests and High Priestesses, Bilderberg Group + It's Time For Truth, Time For the Crimes To End + The Miracle of Getting Out of the System
Madonna is Under the Grand High Priestess in the East, which is Beyoncé (She Took Gloria Vanderbilt's Position After Her Death) + Madonna is One of the Highest Grand Dames in the System, Above Mother Goddess, Procures Beta Kitty Sex Slaves for Elite
Droel Law Firm, Unlawfully Unsealed Jessie Czebotar's Affidavits + Jessie Names Mike Pence, John Kerry, The Cheneys, The Clintons, George Bush (Senior and Junior), Ronald Reagan
The Present Status, Donald Trump, Jessie's Affidavits, Trump Has Information on Crimes Against Children and Crimes Against Humanity, That's Why They Keep Attacking Trump
Ethnicity + Q is a Group Not an Individual, There is Some Luciferian Coding in the Q Posts, Some Must Have Been (and Could Possibly Still Be) in the System
Austin Steinbart + Q, Long-Term Military Operation + Jessie Emailed Alex Jones, He Was Arrested the Next Day and Then There Was Zero Follow-Up From Alex Jones & Infowars (Controlled Opposition, Obviously)
Bohemian Grove, Altar to Moloch, Part of an Initiation, Sacrifice + Luxembourg Cathedral is Notre Dame in Paris, France + Node 9, Hidden Comms Channel, "Lucifer"
Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson, Became Greek Citizens and Have a Home in Greece, Tunnels Underneath, Pedophilia is Not Prosecuted in Greece but is Treated as a Mental Illness + Jeffrey Epstein + Crimes Against Children and Against Humanity and Consequences