1. THE Most Powerful Illustration of the Truth of Multiple Dimensions

    THE Most Powerful Illustration of the Truth of Multiple Dimensions

  2. PART 1 - Maria Goldstein interviews Rabbi Zev Porat and Pastor Carl Gallups - Blood Alliance

    PART 1 - Maria Goldstein interviews Rabbi Zev Porat and Pastor Carl Gallups - Blood Alliance

  3. PART 2 - Maria Goldstein interviews Rabbi Zev Porat and Pastor Carl Gallups - Blood Alliance

    PART 2 - Maria Goldstein interviews Rabbi Zev Porat and Pastor Carl Gallups - Blood Alliance

  4. The Striking Mysteries of Passover - A RELEVANT WORD with Pastor Carl Gallups

    The Striking Mysteries of Passover - A RELEVANT WORD with Pastor Carl Gallups

  5. What's Up With the Strange Ur of the Chaldeans? Relevant Word Broadcast with Pastor Carl Gallups

    What's Up With the Strange Ur of the Chaldeans? Relevant Word Broadcast with Pastor Carl Gallups

  6. Stunning Revelations About The Raising of Lazarus | Pastor Carl Gallups Explains

    Stunning Revelations About The Raising of Lazarus | Pastor Carl Gallups Explains

  7. (SHORT) Psalm 139 - STUNNING! Knitted Together In Our Mother's Womb - LITERALLY - Pastor Carl Gallups

    (SHORT) Psalm 139 - STUNNING! Knitted Together In Our Mother's Womb - LITERALLY - Pastor Carl Gallups

  8. Watch What Happens In This Jerusalem Outreach! Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches

    Watch What Happens In This Jerusalem Outreach! Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches

  9. How To Count the "Weeks" of the Feasts - Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Explains

    How To Count the "Weeks" of the Feasts - Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Explains

  10. (SHORT) The Unprecedent Last Days Prophecy HAS HAPPENED! Pastor Carl Gallups

    (SHORT) The Unprecedent Last Days Prophecy HAS HAPPENED! Pastor Carl Gallups

  11. The Return of Jesus ... What YESHUA said! JUST LIKE THIS! A Relevant Word with Pastor Carl Gallups

    The Return of Jesus ... What YESHUA said! JUST LIKE THIS! A Relevant Word with Pastor Carl Gallups

  12. Will The REAL Israel Please Stand Up! A Relevant Word video presentation with Pastor Carl Gallups

    Will The REAL Israel Please Stand Up! A Relevant Word video presentation with Pastor Carl Gallups

  13. (SHORT) The ALIGNMENT Connection Of Our Prophetic Days! - Pastor Carl Gallups

    (SHORT) The ALIGNMENT Connection Of Our Prophetic Days! - Pastor Carl Gallups

  14. That's Impossible? Yet There It Is!

    That's Impossible? Yet There It Is!

  15. What Happened in the Garden of Eden is Probably Not What You Think! Pastor Carl Gallups Explains

    What Happened in the Garden of Eden is Probably Not What You Think! Pastor Carl Gallups Explains

  16. If You Want To Be Blessed, Do What God Says Is Best - a HOT TOPIC biblically explained!

    If You Want To Be Blessed, Do What God Says Is Best - a HOT TOPIC biblically explained!

  17. A Must Watch! The True Manna ... Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches

    A Must Watch! The True Manna ... Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches

  18. The Apostle Paul: THIS is of the FIRST Importance! Pastor Carl Gallups Explains This Mystery

    The Apostle Paul: THIS is of the FIRST Importance! Pastor Carl Gallups Explains This Mystery

  19. Yeshua said "I WILL GIVE YOU SABBATH!"

    Yeshua said "I WILL GIVE YOU SABBATH!"
