1. Now You Can Give Your Dog Treats While You're At Work

    Now You Can Give Your Dog Treats While You're At Work

  2. Guilty Dog Pleads The 5th

    Guilty Dog Pleads The 5th

  3. Woman Pays For Hundreds Of Pet Adoptions

    Woman Pays For Hundreds Of Pet Adoptions

  4. Stranded Dog Gets Help From A Kind Stranger

    Stranded Dog Gets Help From A Kind Stranger

  5. Macaw Loves To Play Peekaboo

    Macaw Loves To Play Peekaboo

  6. This Animal Looks Like A Bunch Of Swimming Feathers

    This Animal Looks Like A Bunch Of Swimming Feathers

  7. Cat Frozen To Ground Gets Rescued | The Dodo

    Cat Frozen To Ground Gets Rescued | The Dodo

  8. Rescuers Worked For Days To Help This Stray Dog

    Rescuers Worked For Days To Help This Stray Dog

  9. Moms Watch Their Babies Grow Up

    Moms Watch Their Babies Grow Up

  10. Orangutans Are Losing Their Forest Homes

    Orangutans Are Losing Their Forest Homes

  11. This Puppy Worked So Hard To Walk — And Now He'll Never Stop | The Dodo

    This Puppy Worked So Hard To Walk — And Now He'll Never Stop | The Dodo

  12. Cat Who Lives On A Boat Loves Visiting New Places - MISS RIGBY | The Dodo

    Cat Who Lives On A Boat Loves Visiting New Places - MISS RIGBY | The Dodo

  13. Kitten Who Was The Runt Of Her Litter Is A Tiny Fighter | The Dodo Little But Fierce

    Kitten Who Was The Runt Of Her Litter Is A Tiny Fighter | The Dodo Little But Fierce

  14. Independent Dogs That Don't Need Hoomans | The Dodo Best Of

    Independent Dogs That Don't Need Hoomans | The Dodo Best Of

  15. Dog Crashes Wedding and Decides To Stay | The Dodo

    Dog Crashes Wedding and Decides To Stay | The Dodo

  16. 100,000 River Turtles Released Into The Wild | The Dodo

    100,000 River Turtles Released Into The Wild | The Dodo

  17. Kitten Born With Twisted Legs Gets PERFECT Mom | The Dodo

    Kitten Born With Twisted Legs Gets PERFECT Mom | The Dodo

  18. Neglected Horse Poly Could Barely Walk Episode 3 TRAILER | The Dodo: Comeback Kids

    Neglected Horse Poly Could Barely Walk Episode 3 TRAILER | The Dodo: Comeback Kids

  19. Animals Left To STARVE At Zoo Experience Love for the First Time | The Dodo

    Animals Left To STARVE At Zoo Experience Love for the First Time | The Dodo

  20. SMARTEST DOG Shows How He'll Take Care of Veterans | The Dodo LIVE*

    SMARTEST DOG Shows How He'll Take Care of Veterans | The Dodo LIVE*

  21. AWESOME Couple Keeps Adopting 3-Legged Dogs | The Dodo

    AWESOME Couple Keeps Adopting 3-Legged Dogs | The Dodo

  22. Dog Family Rescued From Steelyard SURPRISES Rescuers | The Dodo

    Dog Family Rescued From Steelyard SURPRISES Rescuers | The Dodo

  23. Woman Horrified to Find She Was Raising Lions To Be Killed at 'Sanctuary' | The Dodo

    Woman Horrified to Find She Was Raising Lions To Be Killed at 'Sanctuary' | The Dodo

  24. Dogs Meet Babies For The First Time | The Dodo

    Dogs Meet Babies For The First Time | The Dodo

  25. Dog Living in Pipes Finds Real Home | The Dodo

    Dog Living in Pipes Finds Real Home | The Dodo
