1. Deuteronomy 5_Ten Commandments for the Covenant Community

    Deuteronomy 5_Ten Commandments for the Covenant Community

  2. ON A WING AND A PRAYER -- Journey Through The Bible -- Deuteronomy 26 - 28 07112024

    ON A WING AND A PRAYER -- Journey Through The Bible -- Deuteronomy 26 - 28 07112024

  3. Deuteronomy 26 | Christ in the Feast of Firstfruits: P26 | Bible Study

    Deuteronomy 26 | Christ in the Feast of Firstfruits: P26 | Bible Study

  4. Day 56: RENEWING Our Commitment - Lessons From Deuteronomy 10-12 | Bible In A Year (CSB)

    Day 56: RENEWING Our Commitment - Lessons From Deuteronomy 10-12 | Bible In A Year (CSB)

  5. Finding Strength and Courage in God's Presence | Deuteronomy 31:6 Reflection #deuteronomy31v6

    Finding Strength and Courage in God's Presence | Deuteronomy 31:6 Reflection #deuteronomy31v6
