(Adam) Man (is) (Seth) appointed (Enosh) mortal (Kenan) sorrow; (but) (Mahalalel) the Blessed God (Jared) shall come down (Enoch) teaching (that) (Methuselah) His death shall bring (the) (Lamech) despairing (Noah) rest.
Elon Musk | "What Is Death? Death Is Loss of Information. If You Got Disintegrated, But Got Reintegrated Did You Die? No Longer Have Loss of Information Associated w/ That Individual, Death Has No Meaning." 8/4/22
❇️ BREAKING! Exposing The Vaccine Agenda. Cancer & Covid Cure REVEALED!? | David Nino Rodriguez interviewing Dr. Bryan Ardis -- With direct links to the referred Jesse Ventura vid and earlier Brian Ardis & Other Vids BELOW in description!! ❇
Yuval Noah Harari | What Is Yuval Educating Our Kids? "And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, & the father the child: & the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death." - Matthew 10:21