BRICS | Why Has Price of Gold Gone from $409.53 In 2004 to $2,442.30 Per Ounce In 2024? Does Using Facts Make You a Whack-Job Conspiracy Theorist? The Numbers Don't Lie, But Does the Mainstream Media Lie?
Yuval Noah Harari | "When OpenAI Developed GPT4, If Gave GPT4 the Goal of Solving Captcha Puzzles. Nobody Told GPT4 to Lie. Nobody Told GPT4 What Lie Would Be Most Effective. It Came Up with a Very Effective Lie."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Open AI Developed GPT4. They Gave It the Goal of Solving a Captcha Puzzle. AI Can Make Decisions By Itself. By Itself It Decided I Will Lie. We Are Creating Millions & Billions of These AI Agents." - 12/11/2024